Wärmepumpen – Arten, Kritik & Trends
Wärmepumpen sind in aller Munde. Einst war die Wärmepumpe ein Nischenprodukt mit nicht allzu rosiger Zukunft. An die von den Herstellern pro

Neuer Normverbrauchstest WLTP löst NEFZ ab
Aufgrund der immer stärkeren Verzerrung bei den Werten, welche vor allem bei den Verbrauchern zu immer mehr Verwirrung geführt hat, wurde 20

Umweltfreundliche Klima- und Kältetechnik
Die Klimatisierungs- und Kühlvorgänge sind nicht mehr aus unserem Alltag wegzudenken. Sei es im Büro, einem Wohngebäude, einem Lager oder...

How the Product Certification Process can eliminate the Need for Recalls
The last five years have been a chaotic one for the hardware and automotive industries which have witnessed high profile product recalls....

The 5 Important Steps You Need to Know About Process Development
Since the beginning of time, innovation has always been driven by unique ideas as well as the ability to actually bring those ideas to...

Before the Flood - Trailer
This is a brilliant documentary showing the effect of global warming on the planet. Is this revertible or did we cross the red line? No...

5 Things to Know About the Warming Arctic | Before the Flood
This is a quite alarming video showing at what rate the physiognomy of the planet is changing due to global warning that itself resulted...

Best CADmouse vs Drafting mouse
Finding the best CAD mouse surged from an unexpected desire. Some of us at HTPD spend hours and hours 2D and 3D modeling and for a long...

Renewable energy Germany
Technology is always improving as we strive to build ground-breaking techniques to enhance how we actually produce energy since the...

Energy management impacts on company growth
With the growth of global economy, energy demand is also expected to rise. In fact, projections indicate a 75 percent increase in energy...