An Analysis of the Process Development Circle and the Role of CAD
In manufacturing circles, process development plays an important role in ensuring that every production system and procedures functions...

The 5 Important Principles of Integrated Project Development
Truly, nothing is new under the sun and this tenet holds true in the field of project development today as well as with most aspects of...

Engineering Consultant
Engineering consulting can be crucial to the future of a small company as well as a big company. Let's first define what a consultant is....

Die Zukunft der mobilen Fortbewegung
Es existiert kaum ein Thema, welches die Menschen so polarisiert wie die Zukunft der mobilen Fortbewegung. Viele verschiedene Konzepte...

Die verschiedenen Arten der Produktentwicklung und ihre Vorteile
Produktenwicklung ist für jedes Unternehmen ein wichtiges und Zukunft bestimmendes Thema. Schon hier wird oft zwischen Erfolg und...

Before the Flood - Trailer
This is a brilliant documentary showing the effect of global warming on the planet. Is this revertible or did we cross the red line? No...

5 Things to Know About the Warming Arctic | Before the Flood
This is a quite alarming video showing at what rate the physiognomy of the planet is changing due to global warning that itself resulted...

Best CADmouse vs Drafting mouse
Finding the best CAD mouse surged from an unexpected desire. Some of us at HTPD spend hours and hours 2D and 3D modeling and for a long...

Renewable energy Germany
Technology is always improving as we strive to build ground-breaking techniques to enhance how we actually produce energy since the...

The Benefits of rapid prototyping in engineering
Prototyping is at the heart of every engineering process regardless of the specialty. The words “rapid” and “prototyping” sound to...